Rochester Church of Christ

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Home church and fear Bible study

Get to know you:  What’s something you want to do as soon as the virus subsides, and life turns back to normal?


 READ Col 4:15-17

There are several passages like this that remind us that what we are doing for the near future was par for the course for the early church.

Most likely, there were probably several house churches in the bigger cities.  First, like where I go in Malawi, they simply can only walk so far in a timely manner. 2nd, small groups attracted less attention during times of persecution. They also believed that a group of elders oversaw several congregations around a city. That’s what led latter to the Bishop of Rochester, set up in the early Roman Catholic church.  That along with an almost mirror image set up of Roman government structure.  That however is a discussion for another time. We don’t have a lot of details and some of them are from the next century or 2, but that is what historians have been able to piece together.

How do you see house church, life groups, being an effective tool for God in a situation like we are facing today?

What can we do in this setting that may be harder than everyone together in a large setting?

What would be some the harder things we will face meeting like this for an extended period?

How can we overcome them?

Do you think the church as we know it will die or thrive in the coming months?


What fears do you have about what is happening for the near future?

READ Matthew 6:35-34

Jesus addresses this issue a couple of time as well as some of the writers of our letters to various churches.

Put this passage in your own words.

What lessons do you think Jesus wants us to learn from this passage?

It’s one thing to read this passage and another to really believe it.  What makes it hard for you to put this passage into your life in a real way?

If you can practice this passage in your life, what would your life look like?

How can we get this message to those who are not followers of Christ?

READ Matt 10:26-33

How do these words of Jesus affect you right now?

Do you feel that passages of the Bible seem more real or more wishful thinking in times like this?

I posted a picture this week from a thought I had Saturday morning.  “Don’t let your fear overcome faith.  Let your faith overcome fear.”

Does that type of thought bring you peace? Why or why not?

Is it sinful for a Christian to be fearful in a situation like this?

How do we balance the fear and trust in God?

End with a prayer